Double Digit Addition With Regrouping
Do you find that students are struggling to understand the concept of double digit addition with regrouping? This important 2nd grade math skill can sometimes be difficult for students to master.The great thing about addition with regrouping is that there are multiple ways of teaching it. It’s no secret that in a classroom of 20 + students, there are bound to be several different learning styles. It’s just our job to find out which way our students learn to regroup most effectively! Giving students multiple ways to arrive at an answer provides them with the freedom to choose which strategy will work best for them. Today I’ll share with you how to teach double digit addition with regrouping to your students.
Getting Started with Double digit addition with Regrouping
Before students dive right into 2-digit by 2-digit addition with regrouping, it’s wise to make sure they understand regrouping in it’s simplest form. I like to spend a bit of time reviewing with students how to add a 2-digit number with a 1-digit number. By doing this, students are able to practice regrouping only one set of numbers (the one’s place) and are less likely to get overwhelmed.
1.Expanded Form and Place Value to Teach double digit Addition wth Regrouping
In order for students to understand regrouping with addition, they must first have a solid understanding of place value so they know the reason for regrouping. An anchor chart showing the ten’s and one’s place can be a helpful reminder for students. When adding 2 digit numbers, the expanded form strategy can help students see the value of each individual number in the equation. Finally, students can combine the tens and the ones so that they can add them together easier.
2. Double Digit Addition with Regrouping Using Base Ten 
I don’t know about you , but I love base ten blocks! They hold a similar spot in my heart like the little “counting bears” I grew up using. Base ten blocks are a great tool to use when teaching addition with regrouping. They allow students to physically trade the ones for a ten and often, doing this small step is what makes it “click” for some students.
You can provide students with a place value mat like the one below to support them as they use base ten blocks to solve 2 digit addition equations with regrouping.
To solve addition equations using base ten blocks and a place value mat, begin by having students show the first number in the equation using base ten blocks. Then, have them layout the second number onto the place value mat. If they find there are no more “ones” spots left, they know they must trade ten of the ones for a ten. Last, students will count up the total base ten blocks they have.
3. Double Digit Addition with Regrouping Number Lines
Another strategy I like to use when teaching double digit addition with regrouping is adding using open number lines. If you aren’t familiar with what an open number line is, it’s just a number line without anything on it. Students can use it to record how they’ve solved their addition problem. and in this case, 2 digit addition problem.
How to use: On an open number line, write 35 to the far left of the number line. The second number, 28, has two tens and eight ones. So you must make two “jumps” of tens and eight “jumps” of one. After doing this the number landed on is 63. it’s important to keep track of what number you’re on by filling out the numbers at the bottom of the number line. The final number reached at the end of your “jumps” is the answer.
4. DOuble Digit Addition with Regrouping Using the Standard Algorithm
When teaching students how to regroup using the standard algorithm, it’s important the rules for regrouping are clear. Regrouping chants like the one below will help students remember when to regroup and when not to. Model solving several equations step-by-step with students while you reference the regrouping chant or anchor chart. Then make sure to leave the charts on display for students to refer back to. You will probably find that there will be some students who will benefit from having a copy of the steps at their desks.
Here’s the chant if you’d like it:
“More on top? No need to stop!
More on the Floor? Go next door!
Number’s the same? Zero’s your game!”
All of the double digit regrouping worksheets shown in this post can be found in my 2 digit addition with regrouping resource on TPT! Click the image below to check it out!
Looking for fun activities to teach 2-digit addition with regrouping to your students? Click the links below to see even more resources that are packed with regrouping activities that are zero prep for you!
Double Digit Addition with Regrouping Activities 
Do you need tips and strategies to teach 3-digit addition with regrouping? Click HERE to see the blog post!