I absolutely love read alouds and try to use them as often as I can in the classroom. If you’re anything like me, the end of winter and arrival of spring is something to celebrate. I’m sure your students feel the same way too. Here are ten of my favorite picture books for spring to …
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5 Spring Activities for 2nd Grade
5 Spring Activities for 2nd and 3rd Grade Spring in the classroom can be just as overwhelming as it is exciting! When the weather begins to warm up, the more fun, spring activities you have the better. I’ll share 5 spring activities for 2nd grade you can easily fit into your plans this April! These spring …

5 Money Activities for 2nd Grade
5 Money activities for 2nd grade Counting money is an essential skill for 2nd grade students to learn. In this post, I will share 5 money activities for 2nd grade students-all using the super fun Boom Cards! Boom Cards are super engaging, digital task cards that you can assign to your students. They are self-checking, …

Teaching Research Skills to Elementary Students
Teaching Research Skills to Elementary Students Research is a required skill that most students are expected to learn and practice. It’s important to give your students something that engages them when requiring them to spend several days researching it. That’s where animal research projects come in. Students LOVE researching animals! Today I’ll share tips for …
Martin Luther King Jr. Color by Number Addition and Subtraction Pages
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Math Color By Number Sheets These Martin Luther King Jr. Color by Number sheets give students loads of math fact practice without them even realizing they are hard at work! These sheets are the perfect way to incorporate math into your unit about Dr. MLK Jr.! Best of all there is …

How to Teach Main Idea and Supporting Details
How to Teach Main Idea and Supporting Details Teaching students how to identify the main idea and details of a text can be tricky. We can give our students passages to read and then ask, “Okay, now what was it all about?” This skill can seem overwhelming for students to master and us to teach. …
Listening Centers for Primary Grades
Listening centers for primary grades Are you looking for a way to revamp your Listening Centers for primary grades? Do you remember (or are you still in) the days of rewinding cassette tapes or purchasing a set of books for all of your students and then trying to store them? Well not anymore!! QR Codes …

How to Create Effective Classroom Newsletters
HOW TO CREATE EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM NEWSLETTERS Classroom newsletters are an excellent way to keep parents informed on what’s going on in their child’s classroom. Sending home a classroom newsletter is a simple, but effective way to do all of the following : Maintain great parent-teacher communication Keep parents up to date with what their children …

4 Tips to Get Started With Informative Writing
Before students begin creating their own informational pieces, it’s important that they see a variety of informative passages and texts. They need to really be able to distinguish what makes this type of writing different from Fiction. A simple T chart to show the differences of informational and fiction writing and work good to get …

Activities for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
There always seems to be an eagerness among students to learn about the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and what a great topic for them to be eager about! There are so many lifelong lessons that children can carry on into adulthood. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is such …