5 Money activities for 2nd grade

Counting money is an essential skill for 2nd grade students to learn. In this post, I will share 5 money activities for 2nd grade students-all using the super fun Boom Cards!
Boom Cards are super engaging, digital task cards that you can assign to your students. They are self-checking, which makes grading a breeze! In the post below, I want to share five activities to teach Money in 2nd grade using Boom Cards.
1. Start with Identifying Coins

To begin a unit on money and coins, students must first master identifying coins and learning coin values. This deck of Boom Cards is perfect for just that! Students are given both the fronts and backs of coins and must match them with their names and the amount that they are worth. This activity pairs perfectly with the best selling resource Identifying Coins Coloring Sheets. You can check out that resource by clicking HERE.
You can grab this set of Boom Cards HERE.
2. Count Money using Multiple Choice

With this deck of Boom Cards, students are given a variety of coin amounts to count and determine their total. Multiple choice answers are given for students to choose from. What I love about this set of Boom Cards is that if a student chooses the incorrect answer, they get immediate feedback and are able to try again. This activity works great for students who are just beginning to master counting a variety of coins.
You can grab this set of Boom Cards HERE.
3. Counting Money True or False Activity

This activity has students count a set of coins and then determine if the amount given is true or false. Students will get instant feedback if their answer is correct or not. This deck of Boom Cards gives students practice identifying both the fronts and backs of coins.
Grab this set of Boom Cards HERE.
4. COunting a variety of coins
This set of Boom Cards is packed with practice for students to master counting coins. Each card has a selection of coins for students to count and type the total. Only the fronts of coins are included in this resource. There are 40 Boom Cards in all!
You can grab this set of Boom Cards by clicking HERE.
5. Solving Money word Problems
After students have mastered coin identification, coin values and counting coins, these Money Word Problems Boom Cards are the perfect next step.
Solving word problems involving money is essential in 2nd grade. This deck of Boom Cards gives students several word problems in which they must determine how much money each person has based on the coins they possess. This set of Boom Cards works best when students have a piece of scrap paper to work on.
You can grab this set of Boom Cards HERE.
TRy A Deck of Boom Cards for Free
Want to give Boom Cards a try in your classroom? You can grab a Free deck of Boom Cards to give your students practice counting money by entering your information below!